Here's to a happy, healthy, and safe 2008 for Woodridge, Brookland, and beyond!
Each year many of us make resolutions and then spend the next 365 days trying to keep them (if we even remember them a month or two later). I'd like to resolve to spend more time on this blog with the hope of serving the community. While I'm not sure that is possible - partially because I already spend a great deal of time sifting through info to post - I feel it's still a resolution worth making.
Posting has been sporadic lately; I've been working on my final project for the
DC Neighborhood College (you still have a few days left to apply for the 2008-09 cohort) which I hope to share with the community in the next month, busy at work, applying for grad school, and taking some quiet time away from the computer while at home. As always, please contact me if you are interested in contributing to "stop, blog, and roll."
Now, back to reality and resolution aside....I'll be out of town twice in January. The first time will be this week for work through early next week, so posting will be light-to-nil. And then there's the catching up, and going back out of town, and catching up....
May your resolutions be easier to keep ;)