The children of the Woodridge community need a safe, clean, and fun place to play and enjoy with their families!
What: KaBOOM! - Prep & Build Days/Playground Initiative
When: Prep day - Monday, July 30th, 2007, 8am-4pm (breakfast & lunch will be served); Build day - August 1st, 2007
Where: Friendship Public Charter School, 2959 Carlton Avenue, NE
Etc.: In order to provide this wonderful space for our children we will need your involvement! We are planning two fun-filled days as we create this new community-build playground. There will be food, music and activities as we put the playground together. Volunteers will help with all aspects of the playground planning, prep and build. For more information call or email Crystal Clark, Woodridge Principal, at 202.635.6500 or cclark@friendshipschools.org.
KaBOOM! believes that, together, we can achieve it by pursuing smaller common goals: a playground, skatepark or field complex, toward collective causes − the well being of children, (that results in achievable wins) a one day build, all through the small, yet courageous act of volunteering. This is how KaBOOM! activates powerful citizenship.